Old School

I’m just the same old school on the block.

I’ve seen kids come and go, tick-tock, tick-tock.

Little feet that ran through my door,

And scurried across my white tile floors.

I was there guardian from 8 till 4,

I cradled them till they were children no more.

From ABCs to algebra tests,

From storybooks to science quests.

They've grown up under my watchful eyes,

From tiny tots to ones so wise.

I've watched them scribble, daydream, and sigh,

Under my roof, beneath my sky.

From first friendships to last goodbyes,

I've been the backdrop to their Lowe’s and highs.

Through seasons of fall, winter, and spring,

I've heard the laughter and tears they bring.

From jungle Jim’s and merry-go-rounds,

To sweetheart dances and graduation gowns.

I've heard the whispers of first crushes,

Seen the blushes, the teenage rushes.

They've doodled on my desks, in quiet rebellion,

Dreamt big dreams, in this brick battalion.

From children to young men and women they turn,

With fire in their hearts that fiercely burn.

My doors have swung, a thousand years,

To laughter, joy, young hopes and fears.

Each morning bell, a fresh new start,

The pulse of youth, the school's own heart.

The pitter patter of tiny feet,

Through decades' dance, a drum's soft beat.

In classrooms where the chalk dust flies,

Ambitions spark in curious eyes.

I've seen them come, bright-eyed, anew,

With satchels packed and visions true.

And watched them leave, grown tall and wise,

With diplomas clutched, their coveted prize.

So here's to them, the ones I've known,

From seeds of curiosity that I've sown.

They're off to the world, to make their mark,

But they'll always be a part of this old school's heart.

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