Nothing To You

Years have gone by,

I just can’t understand you

Did you ever ask yourself, what have I done?

All I had left was to run

Looking for love in all the wrong places,

A safe place that used to be at home,

But here I was running the streets alone

Chasing a high, numbing my emotions

All I wanted was to die

Waking up living a lie

Pretending to be unbothered and happy,

Everyday I would cry

Suppressing the pain…. Going insane

Please explain

Why you let this happen to me

a decision you was supposed to make

Was To protect me

Yet you didn’t, you chose him

No wonder I act towards you disrespectfully

Forgiveness is powerful

And forgiveness is free

It’s made me stronger

Just know I forgive you

Cause it’s best for me.

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