Submitted by Demilade
If only she knew.
Write a story or poem that has this as the opening line.
If only she knew
I tried my best
I was afraid of the outcome
I shut off
I shut down
I distanced myself to save myself
I grew cold
I regret
I didn’t get her the cat nip
I didn’t record her purrs
I still reach out to her
Her last cries haunt me
If only she knew
I’m sorry every day since
I hate the relief after she was gone
The freedom
The guilt
If only she knew
I didn’t want her to go
I didn’t want her to suffer
I wanted to do more
If only she knew
(For my Tabby Girl: Morgan le Fey 2003-2019. May you frolic with Grumpy Cat and Lil’ Bub)