Asleep Under White
The truth never lies
Truth can despise or exercise
The truth can bring freedom
The reason can be found
What goes around? Proof?
What is truth?
I was 8 years old when the world broke
There I was feeling it slip away but
Begging it to stay the same
Even though…the same meant
I got to play ‘don’t wake daddy’
And - no - not the board game
Although there was a sizable board involved
It hurt but it was the only life I knew
So when it was over I wasn’t relieved
To be a branch from the family tree
Severed and ‘set free’ I was me
And tree can’t grow without soil
And the soil can’t hold on without roots
So I’m just me and that’s the truth
I was 11 years old when the world disappeared
Her priorities pushed me away
But I wanted to stay even it was to hold her hand as she reached for the closest man
But that wouldn’t stand because I was me
And the me I was was a weight
Left to the cruel hand of fate but wait
What happens when you’re alone?
No phone, no stone to roll just you
And I remember waiting in the car
For hours wondering where you are
I took a nap because the sun said good night
But you were still out of sight and then the light
The light of day mixed with the flashing lights
I gathered all my might and ran to see
And there you were asleep under white