'Amelia took a deep breath, and pushed open the door to her 20-year high school reunion.'

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Make Him Regret It

She didn’t want to be here for the slightest bit and she wouldn’t have, hadn’t it been for all the lies she told her best friend Lisa.

‘Of course I’d love to go! I’d love to see everyone again’

‘No ofcourse I’m over him, don’t worry about that’

‘I promise I’m fine, it’ll be fun!’

But she wasn’t fine and she definitely wasn’t over him. Even the thought of seeing him again made her anger rise inside her as well as that immense feeling of jealousy. How could he choose her? How could he just one day wake up, and tell Amalia casually over breakfast that he’s leaving her. For HER?

Smile and breathe, Amalia, smile and breathe. That’s all you have to do. Walk in there with confidence and pretend you are not hurting at all. Make yourself look confident. Make him regret leaving you.

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