by Owen Vangioni @ Unsplash

Write a poem of story that could be titled 'I'm upside down'.
The Misty Dungeon
Mist crept into the forest and covered all that eye could see. It breathed upon the lush grass and leaves, leaving behind dew drops to befall onto the rocky soil and saturate the earth beneath the walls of pebbles. Little red flowers squeezed through the gaps in the stones wanting the forest to know of its presence. Although small, the little red flowers stood out upon the dismal day. Roots from the giants of the forest weaved the terrain reminding the forest of its master. The faint song of a rushing river whispered a lullaby too melancholy to rejoice for the brumous bandit drove away the jovial sun once again. The pebbled path was the only comfort that there was hope beyond the dungeon of mist. A few dew drops befell upon the deplorable juvenile delinquent that slumbered in the dungeon of mist. He shivered as the dew drops dripped down his cheek. The juvenile struggled to open his eyes all swollen and bruised. He managed to open one eye and found the roots of the giants lingering below his head. A lament reached his ears from a rushing river nearby. The juvenile searched for the source with his partially opened eye. As he shifted, his whole bod swayed. He attempted to move his hands, but they refused to obey. The juvenile forced his eyes open and found his wrist bound together with no wiggle room to spare. A few more dew drops slipped down his cheek and fell past his hair toward the earth far below him. He tensed and gasped as he discovered the source of the lament. The rushing river sang beneath where he dangled. Laughter erupted from somewhere above him.
"Always loved bats. Watching them dangle from caves while they sleep. Oh, how I despise the women that scream at the sight of them. I also despise snakes. They slip up words too easily," the voice whispered in his ear.
"Help!" the juvenile cried, "Please, I'm upside down! I'll do anything."
"I'm afraid that won't happen. As much as I have loved watching you dangle like a bat, the only place for snakes is to be cast in the abyss."
The rope was cut, and the juvenile delinquent was cast into the lamenting river and sunk down into the abyss never to set eyes on the misty dungeon again.
The End