You begin to hear a voice singing to you, a voice that nobody else can hear. It slowly grows louder, and carries a sinister message.
Create a poem based on this concept. You may wish to include the voice's words and use them throughout the poem.
Voids Out of Touch…
Centipede smiles spread across my skin.
Flesh crawler, dream wearer, I am.
Unwelcome in a mess of new thoughts.
Bleeding sentiment, behind closed walls.
The future clogs up inside my pours.
As it's already stale and greatly abhorred.
A shaking fear of a wanted distraction;
I close my ghost off with my hearts retraction.
My wielded words, are weapons of sorrow;
so follow me through to the hollow.
Where masked faces never trust in
those small moments of sway...
when daydream nights turn
into bedlam days...
The monsters sing, only in my head.
But am I one of them, or one of the dead?