“It was a journey of the soul.”
Write a poem that starts with this line.
It was a journey of the soul
The treacherous deed
It holds you close
And makes you bleed
Blood, blood
Litters the ground
Like a dusty coat
That metallic mound
Wires cut into flesh
Flesh that barely feels there
Oh, why am I so numb?
What happened to the ones that care?
Locked behind bars
For the very crime I committed
Yet it seems outrageous
That’s the story I’ve written
Blood, blood
Where do you come from?
Because there’s nothing left of me
Nothing to make up
Only my soul
Trapped like a golden bird
Journeys the maze
And hears what is heard
It was a journey of the soul
As it tried to come home
Home to what’s left of me
Trapped, yet it was free to roam