'I guess it was all in vain.'

Write a story which ends with this line. What has led your character to think like this?


I loved him unconditionally but the feelings were never the same. I continued to allow him back and forth in my life even though each time it drove me insane. Lie after lie I allowed him to abuse me mentally,verbally, sometimes even physically. Making me to look like the problem in everything but I knew all I did was try to love a man that was broken. A man that had never been loved properly beginning from a child so how could I expect him to love me or anyone else for that matter if the issue was really his mom. A man that has mommy issue will always do harm to each and every woman that he hold in his arms. Silly me knew he was broken but I continued to try to fix him, when the whole time I was breaking myself, should’ve been occupying my time doing something else. I was a safe place for him and in return he was mines too, but he like yo play games but I guess that’s just what dogs do. I was loyal to a man that would down talk me the first chance that he got just to get some Twat, from one of the hood rats that he thought was hot. I did wifey shit just to turn around and be a sad bitch walking around with my head down low because he keeps playing me like I’m one of these hoes. But I guess it was all in vain.
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