
At first, I heard a subtle groan.

I turned around.

The building was almost . . . Glowing.

Wait, glowing?!

I raced inside, fire consuming everything in uts path.

It blazed near my face, but I couldnt leave.

Not yet.

“ Help!”

“ Fire!”

“ Get outside!”

Shrill screams sounded all around me, but I stood my ground.

After a moment of collecting my thoughts, I raced for the rooms of the hotel.

“ Everyone out! Now!”

I roared, pounding on doors, flinging them open.

“ Out!”

I raced for the last door, shaking it violently.

“ Fire Department, Open the door!”

I yelled, I could feel my heart pulse rapidly beneath my skin, like nothing before.

Suddenly, the door made a click sound, than flung wide open.

A man with crooked glasses just stared, his eyes seemed lost in thought, or just . . . Lost.

“ I dont have time for this!”

I snarled, I flung the man over my shoulder, adrenaline pumping through me like a snakes venom.

I glanced at each room, sure no one was left.

The building began to groan, then shake.

Thats when the world fell down.

“.. But not yet!” I wheezed.

I bunched my muscles, leaping forwards.

I collapsed outside, the man on my back barreled off, somewhere.

_So much for saying thanks,_

I rolled my eyes.

After a few days, word got around about the hotel.

_It was an impossible escape!_

_Deputy Bill from the Fire Department . . ._


I scanned the magazine for any sign of a death.


I had done it.

My friends began laughing, slapping my back.

I couldn’t help but laugh.

. . . Or gasp when I continued reading the paper.

“ _Serial Killer Jeffery Dahmer stayed at that exact hotel! Police say . . . _”

I felt my feet grow numb as I stared at the picture.

It _was_ him.

The man I saved.

“ No, no . . . Bill, you saved those folks. And you saved Dahmer uknowingly. Praise yourself, because you did your job, and you did it well.”

I looked at Fred, a good man.

“ You’re a good pal, Fred. Really.”

I simply shook my head, feeling dread crawl down my spine like a spider.

What had I done?

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