Write a story set in your hometown on the day you were born.

Consider your own memories of the place, and what you could imagine happened on your birth day, fictional or true!

Ellwood City

Mom was frowning. Remembering the words her Dad said. “I thought you were going to be the one.”

Broken bones will mend, but word-wounds

They ripple through time,

Inflicting pain for a lifetime,

Or, in my case, two.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can forever hurt me.

Nestled in Momma’s arms.

Just met her. Looking up into those eyes.

Feeling warm, but there’s a hint of cold.

Love, pain, and distraction.

Fractured. Infraction.

Pregnant at sixteen. Handsome boy next door, a journeyman. Wanderer no more.

Working the line, steel mill, on company time.

Dad’s not here, yet, but he will be.

Throwing baby a smile and a lifeline.

Dad’s love? It will last a lifetime.

“You okay, honey?” Nurse says to Momma.

“Yeah” her eyes were sad, and she wore a frown. Mom lays the baby down.

“That boy’s going to make you real proud some day.”

“I guess so,” she says.

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