©2018-2019 FrerinHagsolb - @frerinhagsolb

Write a story or poem that features the Silver Crow

The Silver Crow

She woke up in the middle of the night. Breathless, she climbs out of bed and stumbles her way into the kitchen. As she pours a glass of water, she sees him from the corner of her eye. Turning her head slowly, she watches as he disappears. She calls him the silver crow. The silver crow has been watching her, or stalking her, for years now. It all started when she was 8 years old on her first day of fourth grade. Finally, recess had come and they were allowed to run free in the playground. As she was following her friend up the slide, she felt a tug at her foot. She turned around to get on to the classmate that was bugging her, but to her surprise, there was nobody there. She continued up the slide and as she slid down, there he was. He was tall with long legs and arms. His entire body was silver, but his face in particular was what scared her the most. It looked like a combination of a human and a crow. She screamed all the way down the slide, but by the time she was down, he was gone. Ever since that moment, she has come face to face with the silver crow on multiple occasions. Now she is 29 and still being tormented by the scary crow man. When she moved out of her parents house at 19, she thought maybe the crow couldn’t find her anymore. He was still there.

Then she moved out of the state. He was still there.

She even studied a semester in France and he was still there. It was like he was a part of her imagination. She has mentioned the Silver Crow to friends, family, significant others and yet, nobody has any clue what she is talking about. Living in a constant state of fear, she never can truly tell what is reality and imagination anymore.

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