In a world where people don't have all their senses until they turn 18, your protagonist wakes up on their birthday to a whole new experience.

What will the protagonist feel for the first time? How can you describe this sense as if it's never been experienced before?


They said this would happen but it just felt too surreal. Lights, colours, shapes surround me as I open my eyes to the world for the first time. The overwhelming feeling that fills my heart causes me to tear up. I wipe at them furiously for fear that will take the magic of today. My room was totally different to what I had imagined. Everything was. I leap out of bed and rush to the mirror, no longer worrying about tripping over one of my fallen pillows. I freeze as I stare at my reflection. My eyes were wide with wonder and elation: I can see it in the sparkle of my very dark brown eyes. I touch the surface of the mirror and watch as my reflection does the same. Amazing.
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