Write a poem in a different genre to your usual comfort zone.

This poem can be in any style and with any theme, but try to write in a genre that you wouldn't normally try.


With a wish of an enchant, thought of as a dream come true

Like a shooting star, she wished so effortlessly, for a love that set no limits,but soon found out it had not boundries

From a time of wanting, no craving this dream

To once be real, as hopeless as it may seem.

From what she struggled thru and thru

A voice so familiar, enchanting alike

From glances, to laughter emotions would strike

Questions ran deep as did thoughts intertwined

A voice in her head continuously spoke over time

From white flags to red

She didn’t see at first

The pain, the tears weren’t heard at first

To speak one’s mind is oh so great!

But to be blunt, honest and transparent…

Was that her biggest mistake?

What she thought was a dream come true, enchanting at best..

his voice drowns hers out and puts it to rest

See this love story ends with the slightest twist,

it’s not the ones you think you would fall for or miss

at best it’s the ones you try to keep,

but when opposites attract. You sow and you reap

To The ones you know won’t make it but try

With the bleeding hearts that cry in the night time from swooning midst of great conversation that move time.

Falling is impossible and difficult at first

Only for those who are seen as cold hearted and misplaced

Yet always misunderstood but nevertheless they try and try

And make matters best

Even through through the darkness they try to seek light

Or use the enchantment to brighten the others life

It’s hard and difficult but true to its word

With each passing whisper, a story of lies will unfold

Making the waves crash into one another along the shore line

Shattering the great divine, a wish that was thought had finally come true in a terror of grasping for what she knew was truth

Let sleeping dogs lie they say at best

The advise of wisdoms spoke out from her chest

The twisting and turning of the trees at night

Soon sang a melody let her sweet sorrows lay rest.

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