Submitted by CyanneWrites

In a kingdom beyond the valley, a ball is held every year where a guest will be killed off at the stroke of midnight as a way to keep the spirits that haunt the castle at bay.

The protagonist may be anyone of your choosing, but they must hold a key significance to the main conflict.

Midnights (Part Two)

“Silly maid,” Chamber Lady Ara yelled at me as I tried to sneak towards the exit door, “the King is waiting for the food to be served! Go!”

I nodded and made my way out to the crowd of guests. I should have known not to be hopeful. Everyone here was a person of interest. Everyone had a reason to be here. Everyone had a fair chance of dying tonight.

It was ten minutes till midnight. I had to escape before someone caught me in my lie. I wasn’t a servant here. I wasn’t a Court Lady. I was a dangerous criminal. I came here to steal the Crown of Iris. I figured it’d be put on display tonight, but being dead wasn’t worth it.

I tried to make my way through the crowd to the main exit doors, but there were too many people and soon I found myself lost. No.

I spotted someone across the room. Someone I never thought I’d see again. “Impossible.” I whispered. “She’s dead.”


I crept closer to her. There was no mistake of who she was. The sorceress was socializing with some man that had a god-like appearance. He looked like he could snap his fingers and they’d all die. And he didn’t look happy.

He said something and Circe tried to walk away, but he grabbed onto her arm. I caught what he was saying. “The King is waiting for you.”

That’s when the clock struck midnight.

I knew what was going on and soon I made my way over to them. I stayed close, but hidden as the man dragged Circe out. She struggled, but no one else seemed to notice.

I followed them out the door. Two guards grabbed Circe’s arms to hold her as she struggled. I stayed in the shadows, hoping to catch what they were saying. “Lord Eros, is this necessary? We have no idea if the spirits will want her.” A man said as he and another man appeared out of shadows.

“They will be pleased with her. Trust me.” Lord Eros said.

Lord Eros? Eros. The god of love.

I striffled a gasp. The gods were involved in this. This was bad. They showed no mercy and were the most dangerous beings in the kingdom.

The spirits needed a sacrifice. Or did they? What did they need her for? They didn’t. I knew what Circe could be used for. I had seen her magic years ago.

I had merely been a child, but I knew what I saw. I’d seen her wipe out an entire village. I watched her destroy my entire village. I watched the fire rain down. I watched the smoke rise and the people die.

I needed that crown.

I ran into the room. “Please! Please, someone help me!” I started fake crying. I wept and fell down at the men’s feet. “Someone, please!”

Eros stared at me in disgust. “What’s wrong, servant girl?” He asked.

“There was a man. He tried to…to grab me.” I cried.

Eros looked at his companions. “Go find this man. We’ll deal with it miss. Guards, I can deal with her.” He ordered.

The guards nodded and ran off.

Once everyone was gone, I made my move. I punched Eros in the face when he least expected it. I heard the cracking sound and he cried out in pain.

“What the-“

I swept his legs and he fell over. The back of his head hit the stone floor and anyone could hear the smacking sound. I ran over to Circe. She stared at me in shock and fear.

I looked over at the god of love and noticed the blood leaking from his head. He stared at me, a vacant look in his eyes. His face was draining of color.

He was dying.

“How is that possible?” Circe asked.

“I don’t know. My name is Penelope. We need to get out of here.” I said.

She nodded and we started running.

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