Bejeweled (Part 2)

All night I pondered the possibility of us being together? It was zero to none wasnt it?….

_ Why hadn’t I asked for his name? _

I woke up at dawn, got ready, then headed for work—‘Lillies coffee shop’, when I got a call.

“Hmm, hello?” I asked, phone pressed to my face while turning the key into the lock, ready to open shop.

“Hi, is this Jemma?” A man with a British accent said.

“Uhhh, yeah?”

I put on my apron and started cleaning.

“Well you asked a guy out yesterday—and may I say, very bold of you.” A girl chimed in.

“Are you his girlfriend?” I asked.

“Me?” She laughed, “I’m his sister!”

“Oh, phew!” I laughed—relief rushing through me! Thank the lord!

“So, what do you look like?” She asked.


“Can you send a photo? I know you don’t know me, but my brother has been so depressed lately, and you seem really sweet. Sorry if I’m so forward,” She laughed, talking quickly.

My eyes widen as I continue cleaning.

“Would you rather me look you up?” She asked.

_Help. His sister is a stalker._

“Okay fine,” I huffed.

I sent her a decent but realistic photo of myself. One that showed personality—me laughing and wearing funny star rimmed sunglasses with my burgundy skirt and white tee shirt.

“Oh my gosh!” I heard her gasp.

“Are you good?” I asked.

“I’m so annoyed! Why didn’t my brother ask you for your number.”

“I don’t know?” I questioned, very confused.

“Oh _anyway_, you have my blessing, but he’s busy this week, are you good for next week?”

“Are you his secretary?” I asked.

I heard her smile through the phone, “Yes… _did_ I not mention that?” She said, chipperly.

“Uh, can I talk to him?”

“No, not right now, I’ll tell him to call you later, does that work?”

“He is available,” a British voice spoke.

I put my palm up to my head.

“Hello, this is Gram. Who is this?” He asked.

“Oh—it’s Jemma? Are you the blonde guy I saw yesterday?”

“Yes, sorry my sister is _very_ outgoing and blunt.”

“Yeah… I kinda caught that.”

Hey he was actually talking to me!!!

“Sorry about the other day, I was really late for a meeting—_strict dad.”_


“Can I listen?” The girl said, Muffled.

“No, please go look at my calendar for next week.”

She said okay, and he sighed.

“Are you busy next weekend?” He asked.

“I’m not.”

Suddenly the shade of red came again, I felt myself slipping into fantasy.

“Okay so I pick you up on Friday, 5:30?” He asked.

“Yes! That works for me.” I’m smiling!! And I’m dancing around the shop… _shoot_ I have to open!!

“Hey I have to let you go…” I said, the gave him my phone number before I ended the call.

“Okay, see you soon Jemma.” _Jemma_!! He. JUST. CALLED ME JEMMA!!

After the call I couldn’t help but mimic him saying my name.

“You look happy?” My guy co worker—Liam, said.

“Yeah, I’m pretty much in heaven! I asked a guy out… thought I had no chance… but he got a hold of me!”

“How? I thought you said he never got your name or number?”

“Hm,” I paused, I hadn’t really thought about that… either I was about to date a guy in a stalker family or someone _knew_ me.

He seemed interested.

“You remember Amanda?” He asked.

I nodded, and he continued, “She called back.”

“Finally!” I danced around.

“What did she say?”

“She wants to get back together,” He grinned.

“Oh my gosh Liam!!!” I squealed.

I had known Liam forever—but I’d also worked here forever…

“Yeah, I’m going with her and her family on a road trip this summer.”

He looked so happy, “Liam!” I spun him around.

“Okay, can you cover for me?” He asked, then we both cracked up.

“I love you!” I laughed.

“Back at ya!” We both started laughing now.

“What is the mystery guy like?”

“You can call _him_ Gram.”

“Is his personal like a Gramcracker?”

“Yes! He has blonde hair and dresses like my grandpa… but _youthful_? You know…”

“Yes I do! I’m so happy for you,” he smiled.

Time crept up slowing, but I _couldn’t_ wait. I didn’t even ask where we were going… so he texted me to wear a swim suit or whatever I was comfortable in?! Where were _we_ going?

“It’s a surprise,” He said.

“That’s creepy considering I just met you,” I mocked.

“Okay fine we’re going somewhere with water, and it’s a public place so don’t worry.”

I smiled, “Okay, _thank you.”_

Friday had finally arrived!!!!!

I wore my white, one piece that looked like a dress, with a blue floral print.

I didn’t wear any makeup.

Eeee! I’m so excited! My brain raced, thinking about everything, him smelling of candle wood… I imagined us dancing around at the beach.

_Jemma! You’re doing it again!!_

I pinched myself then headed out the door.

The car ride there was awkward..

“I can’t tell you where were going, but I brought food.” He said, looking at me, then at the road.

I smiled, “I forget you have a sister.”

“Correction, I have _five_.”

“_Five_?” I asked dramatically.

“Yep, it’s a hectic house with only 3 guys.”

“You have another brother? Or two?”

“One and then my dad.”

“Oh! I see! Oh my gosh… you have 6 siblings?”

“Yeah, it’s crazy.”

“Wow, okay, remind me to ask you more about that.”

“Will do,” He smiled.

“Okay, _so_, how about you?” He asked.

“I have one brother and that’s all.”

“Is he nice?”

I laughed, “Yeah, but it’s only because he lives away from home.”

“Oh,” His body language seemed relaxed, _and_ interested.

Silence fell again.

“How do you feel about winter?”

“I like not having to be sweaty and no way to cool yourself down…”

“Amen to that!” I chimed in.

“But other than that, I like winter, the hot cocoa, cozy clothes, sledging, snow boarding…”

_ I have found my match!_

“What about you?”

“I _love_ winter!”

He was still interested! The minute he swung his gaze at me, I almost melted.

As we arrived, I looked around to find a river with gigantic floating obstacle course.

Other people where there as well, but not very many.

I squealed! “Are we going to the obstacle course?”

He nodded and smiled.

“Oh my gosh!” I danced around like a little kid.

I took my shoes off and he took his shirt off. I legit tried so hard to look away, but he caught me looking _once_ and I blushed while he sat there laughing!!

I normally didn’t care if a man had abs… but… _he did and he looked amazing! _

We walked up—I really giddily walked, and we started.

“Race you!” I screamed, and he ran after me.

I look back for _one_ second to mind him right next me. Gosh this man was fast.

Adrenaline rushed in me and I ran faster.

He grabbed my waist as I tried to squirm playfully, “Got you,” he laughed.

“Nuh uh! I was this close! I want a rematch!”

_The kids, the rabbit, we could build our own house…. JEMMA!!!_

He got me out of my head, “I’ll let you win this time,” He winked, jokingly.

“No! Try your best!” I grinned competitively.

We both raced on the obstacle course, he won, I blame his long legs!

He even fell off one of the obstacles, landing In the water, we both started laughing.

“You won!” I giggled looking at him in the water.

He put his hand out and I reached to grab his when he pulled me in the water, we both started laughing.

Having a splashing contest, I won— I think anyway.

We talked a _lot_ more on the ride home, we said our goodbyes and I couldn’t help but smile. I had completely enjoyed my day with him! We even ordered food at the beach! It was so beautiful! Ahhh!!

My mind swirled, I was falling for this man.

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