Compose a poem that reads like a monologue.

A monologue is a speech given by one character only, usually to express their thoughts out loud.

Like The Beauties Of Nature

I am like the beauties of nature

I am loud like waterfalls

I am crazy like rabid raccoons

I am loving like mama bears

Yet, when the rain comes

I am annoying like slippery rocks

I am frustrating like mud

I am too much like overfilled lakes

Sometimes I wonder how people see me

Do they see a serene landscape

With lush trees and bright colors

Or do they see a boring patch of trees?

Personally, I see myself as a bear

I am protective

I am soft

I can be scary

I can be cute

I like to play

I like to hibernate

I am like the beauties of nature

As the weather changes

So do I

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