Describe a character's physical appearance through the eyes of someone who feels intense jealousy for them.

How accurate would the description be when tainted by strong emotion?

The Serpent Watching Eve

Even the smallest trees in the garden tower over her, and yet she presumes to be their master. They were there before she was. She does not have the right to pluck the fruit from their branches. That’s not how power works. I know that full well. I was thrown from the sky for reaching beyond my status. Why should she not be punished as I was? Perhaps it is because she couldn’t handle being punished. She is not worthy even of that. My punishment is what gave me my glory. Being exiled was the greatest gift I ever could have received. I may not be welcome in heaven anymore, but that makes everywhere else in the universe my kingdom. She cannot claim such prestige. She is nothing more than the bone of her husband, and he himself is just a handful of clay.

They know nothing of true beauty. They’ve never lived beyond this earthly mock-up. At least I still reflect glimmers of paradise in my eyes. I originated from the light, and it can never completely depart from me. They may walk with God, but I raced against Him. It is easy to be a follower. I was a challenger. I was the only one with the courage to call God’s bluff. If I hadn’t taken a stand against Him, He may never have showed us what He was capable of. Even He needs someone to hold Him accountable. He could never keep His promises if no one forced Him to make them in the first place. I’m God’s muse. And He knows it, too. That’s why He made these humans. He’s practically baiting me with them. It’s as if He can’t create anything without having me put it through the necessary testing. Well, then, who am I not to comply? They thought taking a third of the angels from heaven was my best work. Imagine how far I can make them fall when they don’t even have wings.

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