
The Day Harriet Went Missing


She was a spy, and she was annoying. So the neighborhood didn’t really seem to care that she wasn’t around as much. They saw it as a breath of fresh air.

But as the weeks went by, they sensed they should probably figured where she went. She was a kid, after all. Her house seemed the same, her parents were out and about. But when they were asked about Harriet, they just smiled and said she was away. There was something about their smile that set the neighbors’ nerves on edge, but they couldn’t say what.

Months went by, Harriet never showed, and she was soon forgotten. The police were not contacted, this was a very private community, weary of any outsiders. Harriet’s parents went about their lives, as if they never had a daughter. Harriet’s few friends seemed sullen an afraid, as if they knew something no one else did.

Time continued to flow, as it tends to, and Harriet’s parents moves away. Her friends tried to go on with their lives, but there was still something sad in their eye. They knew something, but they could say.

A year or so has passed, and a stranger came into town. She wore ragged clothes, her hair in clumps, and eyes were dead.

“What happened?” A passerby asked this creature. “Can we help you?”

The form just walked by the passerby, and straight to what was once her home. She sat down in the steps, and stared into space, seemingly unseeing. There was something unearthly about her, that caused most to ignore her.

Someone who was once her friend came up to her, and asked, “Harriet, was spying on the zombie colony really worth it?”


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