submitted by Noah Herodias

Overnight, you've become the world's most unpopular scientist...


Overnight it seems I went from renowned to crazy.

You wouldn’t believe anyone claiming they know God. Would you?

Of course not. My, my, child, you truly do seem curious.

Oh, alright. I’ll tell you.

When I was a young lad, not much older than you, I thought I Ruled the world. I was wrong.

I was the top of my class, all A’s, a “genius” as my teacher called me… the same teachers who later told the news I was psychotic.

They were liars… every last one of them.

In science, you learn that people don’t enjoy change. In science, there is no room for God… I thought that too… until that night. The night that changed everything.

People loved me, they looked up to me. Many young children aspired to be like me. In studying protons and space and time rifts, I discovered something spectacular. I opened a rift, a wormhole.

I wish I never discovered what I had discovered.

The hole was a bright white glowing tear, and from it I heard a voice.

The voice told me I had found God. I had discovered the mysteries of life. Images flashed through my brain of the world and every solution to every problem man would ever have.

I had reached enlightenment.

I tried to turn to the world with my discoveries but they called me a lunatic. My wife took our child - your father - and ran. I was locked away in this grimy metal brain jail.

I’m not crazy. I know what I saw.

If you can’t believe me… ask the light.

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