A fairytale character is dropped into this world.
How do they react? What do they find most difficult?
Wolves Don’t Live In Cities
“My what big teeth you have” I whimpered, backing away from the bed.
The stranger gave a spine chilling grin, and pulled the covers off of their torso.
“The better to eat you with my dear!” The air from my lungs left my body as the furry figure leaped at me with their black jaw opened wide. My screams echoed down their throat as they gobbled me up. The air lifted my cloak above my head bracing me for the impact of their rancid stomach. The sour breath of the wolf consumed me and left me blind to the tears that rolled down my cheeks. I shut them tight, and as I did so the world stopped spinning. My bottom landed on something with a soft thud and I peeked one eye open.
A wall stood in front of me, a brick one. I didn’t know wolves had brick walls in their stomachs. My hands were patting the ground around me and I looked down to see the bright green spines of grass hugging at my thighs. I may not know a lot about wolves, but I knew enough to understand that this isn’t what their insides should look like. I pushed myself off of the ground and wiped off my dress to the best of my ability, leaving grass stains and crumbles of dirt in its wake. I went to tighten my read cloak, only to find that it’s silk ribbon had been replaced by two cotton strands. A gasp escaped my mouth as my hands made out a strange contraption in the middle of where the fabric gap should have been. I pulled it up and down, curiosity getting the better of me. My cloak opened and closed as I did so, until I finally decided to lift it to my collar bone. I felt around for any new surprises on my cloak, only to find 2 tiny pockets at either side. A giggle crept it’s way up my throat, just as a man in strange clothing bumped into my shoulder, knocking me back to the ground. He looked over his shoulder and shot me a glare sharp enough to kill a rabbit before turning the brick corner.
“Hey!” I yelled out. “Haven’t you any manners! Get back here!” I pushed myself off of the grass and ran around the corner. My legs turned to lead and any previous thoughts were quickly replaced by the vision that sat in front of me. Millions of colorful stars were shining above my head, glinting in intricate patterns. Some formed words while others resembled stunning princesses in gorgeous clothing. They were displayed on hundreds of skinny castles that put the ones in my village to shame. Surely they couldn’t be stars, they were too different. Yet, I didn’t have any clue as to what they could be. Where was I?