Inspired by EnglishGirl112
He had never planned on attacking them. He didn't want revenge; he didn't want war... That is until they bought the war to him.
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Protect The Queen
“Protect the Queen! ” he yelled as he rushed towards the heart of the battle. Chaos surrounded him as the workers rushed to fulfill his orders. He didn’t know what these attackers wanted but he didn’t have time to think about this now. His path to the battle was almost chaotic but he knew his way around now. He had worked within these walls his entire life. What could these attackers possibly want?
He finally reached the battle and saw the enemy. 2 giant creatures with long necks were attacking his home. The necks all attached to a central body but he had never seen anything like it. It was hard for him to describe. The necks were meticulously poking and taking parts of his home. Carrying it away out of his sight. His brothers frantically attacked the creatures to no avail. He flew head on towards one of the creatures but one of the necks swatted him away...
....”Hey” said the Beekeeper. “Do you think the Bees mind that we take the honeycombs?”
“Who knows” the second Beekeeper replied.
“Come on, we have 5 more to get to”.