Last Roll Of The Dice

“That was probably the worst idea you’ve ever had… and yet it worked.”

I tried not to revel in the praise too much as the adrenaline coursed through both of our veins, the relief in her voice more comforting than emboldening.

To say it was the worst idea did a disservice to all the stupid ideas I’d had up to that point that got us in to this situation. If you’d told me six months ago I’d be looking at taking our last five grand, borrowing a further five under the pretence of a down payment on a car, and then using that in a plan that involved the phrases ‘dark web’ and ‘counterfeit casino chips’ I’d have told you to get your head examined.

Yet here we are, trying our best to look inconspicuous walking out of the casino having collected more money than I’d ever thought I’d see in my life, knowing full well the casino don’t want us to leave with it, and they damn sure wouldn’t let us leave knowing how we got it.

At so many points the whole thing could have come crashing down, but knowing we were at rock bottom reassured me the fall couldn’t be much further.

Now the key thing is to meet LaRocca’s men at the drop off in an hours time, and making extra sure I don’t get any more bad ideas in the meantime…

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