Inspired by Charlotte Blake

You have been listed as an alibi for a friend who was arrested, but you know that you weren't with them at the time of the crime.

Write a story about this situation unfolding.

Who Was There?

After my 13 hour shift at the hospital I was more than ready to get home. I walked through the thick snow and howling winds to my front door. I laid on the sofa after popping a ready meal in the microwave. I rubbed my head to ease my headache forming for the past 7 hours. Once I heard the ring from the microwave I stood up stretching my neck as I removed the packet. BANG BANG BANG. My front door was ready to fall from the harsh knocking.

I groaned as I left my meal on a plate. I looked through the peep hole seeing two officers. I opened the door holding my hand to my eyes to block the blurring lights from the police car. “Good evening. Sorry to disturb you but are you Miss. Lake?” I nodded unsure of what the ordeal was about. “Would you mind coming to the station with us to discuss some information?” I just stood frozen as the cold winds went down my spine. My mind went racing and going over the past couple day. ‘What have I done?’

I obliged grabbing my coat before following the police officers to the cars. I sat in an interrogation room with a detective. It was silent for awhile beside the occasional sipping from the coffee held by large hands. I hid a yawn behind my hand. “What would you like to know?” I asked the interrogator. The man sighed before placing the mug on the table. “Sorry Miss. Lake. You must be tired. Alright...where were you 5am Tuesday 13th of May?” My eyebrows knitted together as my mind just went dull.

What was going on? “I was working at the hospital. There were many colleagues and patience that saw me throughout the day” I say confidently. “I see. Mr. James has told us that he was with you at the hospital. Is this true?” The man looked at me looking for any lies in my story. If I was confused before I was even more now. Mr. James is a good friend but I haven’t seen him for months. I held this information as the interrogator kept staring into my soul. “If I’m being questioned about certain people, don’t I get a explanation why?” I ask with frustration in my voice. “Ah yeas. I see. Well fingerprints of Mr.James has been located at a crime that happened 5am Tuesday 13 of May. His alibi is with you. Was he with you or not?” The interrogator asked me again leaning forwards looking back into my soul. What could I say? Either I lie saying he was with me or I can keep the charade...what should I do.”

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