Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.
I look left, then I look right. I breathe in, and out… In, out, in, and out! Trying re-center myself, but sometimes this only makes me more anxiously conflicted than I was. Loving myself is so hard to do. So many thoughts all ganged up ready, and waiting for the bell to ring. Waiting until nobody is watching to jump my ass! Leaving me physically, and mentally beaten! Maybe because I tend to endure the pain of others even while the shackles chained to my ankles are cut, and swell them!
Somehow I still smile!
Somehow I still ride!!
Somehow I still strive!!!
Someone I’m still alive!!!!
So I say the universe UNBIND ME! TAKE THESE CHAINS OFF THIS EMPEROR! Teach me, so I can then lead others!