Submitted by A.Brosien
A princess has been waiting in her tower for her Prince Charming to save her. But after 30 years, enough is enough, and she decides she's going to save herself.
Continue the story... (you could take this prompt more metaphorically, and write in any genre that fits the theme!)
Freed By Love
Princess Aura was in the midst of her daily cleaning ritual and checking off tasks completed on her honey to do list she made and completed for 30 years. She was in a darkness feeling hopeless and feeling not wanted for the internal beauty she possessed that was rarely recognized or she felt valued by others but only wanted for the outside beauty.
On this paricular day Princess Aura was overwhelmed with a warmth that surrounded. Suddenly there was a bang behind her and she felt a weight lifted off her battered soul. Time stood still and all noise ceased to exist. There came a gentle loving voice she found familiar that said “It’s Time.””It’s time for better day’s to fulfill your dreams and attract the Unconditional Love you always deserved. You have been the strong one for far too long lay all that baggage at his feet. Free yourself of the bondage you placed so perfectly on each energy center because of years of self-doubt, fear of failure, resentment, shame and guilt. Forgive yourself and others and let go completely. Believe in surrender, faith and release control. The energy you give so freely and naturally away to others do that for yourself. Pour that unstoppable force you have into your cup. Change your thoughts change your life. The Magic will effortlessly happen. From that day on she focused on her journey of searching for freedom. Opening each unhealed wound one by one, cleaning it at the root, and allowing the time for proper healing.
She delved into many self help books, podcasts, watching endless hours of spiritual Gurus, Masters and Stoics. PhD’s who specialized in ptsd, grief, anger and emotional suppression. The Beautiful Princess Auras next series will address all her work she put into her healing journey. The Princess recently had four triggers in one day and her shadow could not be contained. This time she worked through all her emotions and feelings for a few days. Aura had a profound breakthrough that led to the Princess finding Unconditional Love within and falling in love with herself. Princess Aura was ready to respond to that voice she heard 3 1/2 years ago which was her lower, higher and present conciousness that spoke to her. That was guided by her higher power and spiritual team. A force of coming together to finally break through to her layers of armor and walls built around her precious heart. She spoke to the unseen presence she felt and heard that fateful day “ She found the love she was waiting and searching in others for her whole life was inside of her all along to rescue herself. She realized she was both Hero and Villain in her search for her Fairytale Love Story. Her intitial anger, sadness, resentment and disappointments she deflected on friends, family and lovers she realized it was how she felt towards herself for accepting the bare minimum. It was better than nothing. Always giving more of her energy to see them smile and happy. Princess Aura truly gave without intention and If she could help to make anyone’s life easier Aura’s heart smiled. It would deplete her energy and when not returned even the slightest made her question her self worth and felt if she was of importance they would make the effort. If they truly wanted to they would. It was publicaly displayed time with other’s. She repeated to herself that became her daily Mantra, “My shadow is now fully loved and will no longer be neglected. I will now love without condidtiions first to myself next to others and have discernment for true reciprocation of the level I give.” The Princess shouted to the Village. “Here comes my shine without the armor ready or not. The Union of two souls that find each other through Divine Timing when both are ready. Intertwined Redmancy love that will feel like home. ❤️