
Laying there helpless, starting to feel the cold settle in on his bones he had only two choices. Do something or become nothing. As he started to prioritize what needed to happen and when they needed to happen so that he could get himself out of this disastrous state, he first needed to address the cold. Thinking while freezing is not conducive to a positive outcome. There’s something about the cold that makes you focus. Whether its the bitter sting that runs through the body every time a breeze blows through that makes the mind focus on the task at hand or the physical effects of the cold on hands, feet, lips and eyes that motivates one to hurry the fuck up and get out of the current situation. The overall sequence of events in order for him to get out of the bottom of the ditch was too much of a burden for his mind to process. So he started to break things down, one step at a time. First, find blankets. Check. Second, look for a trail to start moving up to the top of the hill. Check. Next, find some sort of light. Grabs IPhone that was nestled in his left jean pocket. Finally, take first step toward hill. Done. Step after step, he felt himself fill with hope and warmth as the previously thought insurmountable task became doable with every drudging step up the hill. He wasn’t sure if it was the hope or movement that was starting to warm his body up at this time, but he also really didn’t give a shit either. He was just driven to get to the top of the hill and out of the cold one step at a time.

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