That Breath Of Life

Act 1

My heart pounds Beating with every breath you take With every blink of your eyes

You’re here now Alive from my womb Grasping at me with your small hands

Your frail body It’s in my hands, safe and trusting As you look at me with your big eyes

He’s gone, though But you’re here, here with me And I’ll take care of you with my Ma

Oh! Don’t cry Mommy’s here with your food Good girl, eating it all

Big girl, huh? My sweetheart, braided hair, bright eyes and smile Are you ready for school? Let’s see if grandma has your book bag.

You’re back, Dan Stop! You’re scaring her! Don’t you touch her!

Grandma fine It’s alright, the police will take him away How was your first day at school?

I’m sorry For all the things that have happened No, they aren’t your fault, don’t listen to him

It’s not your fault

Act 2

It was fine Yes, Mom, I ate all my lunch No, Mom, everything was fine

What you say I don’t believe; you’re older now, I understand But are you supposed to be this distant?

High school, huh My sweet child, growing up It hurts ever so, seeing you change from sweet to avoiding

It pains me Little stabs in my chest Seeing you ignore me, ignore your grandma

You don’t know You spend all your time texting your father Who treats you like a princess…a prostitute

Paying whenever Whenever he wants you Acting like the hero, the savior from your life with us

My heart fails Sometimes it stops; it stutters Is this what life is supposed to be?

Life with you My sweet, sweet baby girl I don’t want you to be harmed, manipulated

Please be okay

Act 3

Hospitals Never thought I be inside one so early You and Ma come and visit me everyday

You cry much It warms my broken heart It feels as though I can live another day—with you of course

Dan visits ….I have nothing to say But you cry on his shoulder, the rat’s shoulder

Dan is scared He doesn’t want me to die, not because he loves me, no He doesn’t want to deal with you

My sweetheart Brown eyes, curly hair, plump lips I remember when you were a tiny infant, calm in my arms

The beeping Why is it going slower—I know, I guess I’m dying

Too early My death is, I haven’t even reach the brink of life I’ve only gotten a taste, a whiff

You stay here Lying down next to me on a chair Face relaxed in sleep, away from the tendrils of stress and anxiety

Teenagers They shouldn’t have to deal with this Especially not mine

Why? Why life? Why must you take away? Why can’t you give?

The beeping It’s even slower I feel my body relaxing to the point of nothing

You wake up You scream my name, but I cannot see you For my eyes are closed, my mouth open

My sweetheart Be safe Be kind

Be careful

I’ll watch over you

wherever i am

i promise

my sweet Hannah

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