Write a short story or poem about a couple’s anniversary that uses weather as a motif.
Motifs can affect a reader’s view of characters and story greatly. You could use adjectives typically used for weather to create the characters, or metaphors of weather to describe relationships and scenarios.
Our Anniversary
Are 13th anniversary was on a very gloomy day. We had been having regular arguments lately but you know it was still a dream having him in my life. I love him but you know sometimes I hate his guts. You know things have been hard lately we both have been working late nights and pushing ourselves to do our best and satisfy everyone’s needs. I know our son doesn’t like seeing us fight all the time but we can’t help it you know. Anyways tonight we are going out for a fancy dinner and I’m kinda nervous to. I mean we have been at each other’s thoughts so often lately I don’t know if you know I can I joy it anymore. All right I have to go now for our date talk to you later.