The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold; a place once so magical now hurt to behold.

Write a rhyming poem that ends with this line.

Tearful night

The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold,

A place once so magical now hurt to behold.

The deep night's cadence sounded of peace no more,

And the moon's shine swayed no longer gold.

For even that which I cannot reach, my tears have stained,

The fragments of a heart shattered, I cannot detain.

Yet my arms still reach to the sky,

Weeping to the stars, I beg "What for must I cry?"

Only the wind's answer bellows to a plea amid sorrows cast,

Only the leaves rustle beside the ether so vast.

Still, my body stands waiting, my tears yet to dry,

With naught to say, naught but "Why?"

Yet among the celestial, no longer clear, the moon's gaze swallows me whole,

Leaving not a lone whisper to my waiting soul.

The sky full of stars seemed dead and cold,

A place once so magical now hurt to behold.

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