Convey your character’s personality by describing how they style their uniform.

Whether it is a school or work uniform, show how your character makes it their own.

She’s All That

She tucked in her belly and pulled her white socks all the way up, her hair had to be straight with no hair out of place, her teeth had to look as white and as straight as they could possibly be, and her posture had to be just right.

This wasn’t anyone else asking her to do these things. This was simply her choice. She wanted to make sure her grades were all A’s and no B’s. She had to be good at every subject. Know big words. Understand the numbers in math. Of course she also had to get the highest test grade…if she didn’t, well she would try and bribe the teacher to let her redo tests until she got the highest.

Her uniform color was blue. Dark blue to be exact. Perfect. That was the color that suited her blackish-blue hair and brown eyes. Her sneakers could not have a single speck on them.

When she looked at other girls who had something that didn’t look right like an odd laugh or too giggly around guys, she always frowned upon them and sighed with sympathy. Those poor girls, she thought. If only people could be as perfect as her. If only people were as cool as her. If only people were as pretty as her….

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