A Continued Story?

I knelt to tightened the rope around my bags and placed them on my shoulder. I looked up squinting my eyes to look at the rest of the crowd. I got up smiling. Countless of travelers with nomads among, all with a story of their own to share soon.

It was 12th April. A normal day for others…well not all, could be an anniversary or birthday-


12th April was marked on calendars every year by travelers who once grew up here, passed by here at least once in while or heard from other travelers who had attended the event. A special event meant for just us. An event which brings different travelers around the world together to eat, drink and celebrate with each other for the courage we all had to step out of our comfort zones.

A family with generations of nomads started a small tradition of meeting up here, a desert where the first two nomads met and agreed to start a family of nomads. They will all meet up on this very day to take a break from unfamiliarities of the world and be with people they can relate to.

Started out as a family celebration, then friends they made from their travels joined in and Advarka Fest was born and it became a huge event meant for all. Since the life of a traveler or nomad was free. So everyone was allowed to join in. Even settled people who have the time to do so can come celebrate.

It was an event I noted to myself to never miss out no matter what kept me busy. I grinned ear to ear excited for sunset which began the event. I held onto my bag tight trying to calm myself down.

“Seems like someone can’t hold in their excitement,” I turned towards the owner of the voice. A chubby black woman with star braids sticking out from both side of her head smiled with a wave. I laughed awkwardly waving back.

“This is my first time ever attending such an event. Dreamt of this day and… now I’m here,” I whispered the last part to myself feeling triumphant as I looked up to the direction of the sun. I heard the woman chuckle making me look down at her.

“How adorable of you. You’re quite a cute one. You have such beautiful green eyes, like emerald. Your smooth pale skin hits it off too. Really wish I could put you in a dress to join my circus group but sadly my hands are filled with apprentices. All boys who think they truly know the art of a circus. I ought to sell them off soon if they keep that up.”

Think she noticed my widened eyes at the last part of her sentence which made her laugh.

“Don’t worry dear, I was only jesting. So, what’s your story? A fresh nomad waiting to explore the world? Looking for some treasure hidden by past parrots? Looking for answers? Or unless you intend to keep that with you until the event begins. Heard yelling your reason for traveling out could bring you good luck.” She looked up at me with eyes filled with curiosity, the eyes I had too ready to learn more about people.

…But really, why do I still travel? I've found the truth about my father and why he had suddenly disappeared due to an experiment accident. My mother has passed on to meet him now and…

My brother Kyle refused to come back home with me anyway. I'm just alone now. My friends who travelled with me have all gone back to finish their story. It’s just me now…all alone. No one to go back home to or travel to…

Didn't realised I had been standing for minutes lost in thoughts until she broke the silence.

“Is it personal? Seems like you're lost in your head. Mystery stories are my fav. Don't worry, I wouldn't pry. Not like I can share mine anyway. Just know that I lost a very beautiful flower of mine filled with hopes and dreams. Couldn't help her reach them before she decided to close up and wither… My darling baby.Now she has given me seeds of hope to plant everywhere. So thought What’s the best way to spread smiles and comfort than a silly circus filled with goofballs,” she had a warm smile on now.

I was eager to know her story too, maybe I could learn from it and figure out what to do. Maybe that's what brought me to this event. To hear stories and see what life or destiny rather wants me to do.

“My story isn't anything special. Kind of a long story…A hetic long story. I don't mind telling you if you have the time to stay and listen. It might bore you though,” I offered to her. She smiled brightly nodding. For woman who seems a lot older than me sure has the excitement of a child.

“I would love to darling. This bored old woman here has nothing better to do than to listen to people’s stories. My boys all ran off from an earlier training saying it was ‘too’ scary and were never found. Just hope they make it back in time to they'll never come back…”

I see why they ran off…she sure is scary.

We both sat on the now warm sand of the desert with handkerchief tied around our noses since it suddenly got a bit windy. I explained my story to her, right from where it all began and to how I got here. It felt like I relived my entire adventure right here. A bittersweet experience.

“Wow…Just wow,” was all I could hear her mutter somehow.

“Sorry again if it didn't live up to your expectations,” I could feel my cheeks get warm as I made eye contact with my worn out shoes. Maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut.

“What do you mean boring? That's the most exhilarating story I've ever heard, even more exciting than the story of how two lovers separated by a ship accident found each other through letters sent by mistake. Your dad nearly made an invention that could either save or destroy humanity. Your mom was the reason for all that and your brother, quite a sad fellow, I understand his reasons for leaving but how dare he. You're his older sister, he should stick with you. Family is everything. That was quite a rollercoaster,” she gasped still…


By how ‘thrilling’ my story was.

I said a thank you smiling even though she couldn't see that. I noticed the red and orange pigment of the sand and turned to see the sun about setting. The sound of a gong being hit thrice accompanied by sounds of harp being played. It slowly got dark and lanterns were released into the sky with fire lit around. I could feel my heart racing impatient to join in.

“My oh my, the Varka families really know how to begin an event. So beautiful. Shall we?” She offered. She had already stood up and removed the handkerchief I offered her. I held the hand in front of me using its support to stand up.

“Thank you,” I could feel my face smiling again. I’m truly eager to join the crowd over there.

“Would love to have you come watch my show and see how we really do our job as a travel circus. You shall be kept entertained darling. Here is a button pin without mascot. A cute little lion. Don’t disappoint me… What’s your name? Can't believe I forgot to ask,” she said as she handed over the handkerchief and a button pin.

“It’s Marigold,” I replied. Been a while since I’ve heard my full name out loud.

“Marigold…How adorable. Mari for short if we're on nickname terms yet then. I'm Ayo, heard it means joy and happiness, hope I get to spread that around too,” she commented.

“Since you were kind enough to offer me your story, I’ll tell you a bit of mine too. Ire, she’s the brave flower who left me with a smile. An adorable bundle of joy who loved to spread happiness to the people around her. Think she deserved my name than I do. Ire is my daughter, and only child. My husband died in an accident and he left me a gift, a blessing. Then she had to just go meet her father so early. Well guess it can't be helped as they both looked so alike,” Ayo stared into space with a sad smile.

I understood her pain of losing someone you love dearly. I was never the one in a group good at comforting people. It felt awkward and overwhelming wondering what to do or not to do. I offered her a hug hoping it would help a bit.

“Oh look at me crying in front of people, I'm usually stronger than this. Guess I've gotten to like your company. Thank you very much dear for your time and this hug,” she released me wiping the little tears she had while telling me her story.

“Alright almost time for me to get ready. Go have fun okay, and don't forget to come watch me~” Ayo walked away waving. And I waved back blinking a lot at my performance of handling a conversation…I think.

I smiled warmly glad I got to talk to her, pinned her button onto my lavender sweater then wlake towards the now formed huge crowd. An elderly man help a megaphone announcing the beginning of the Advarka Fest after welcoming both old and new faces. I could feel my heart pounding a lot with a beaming smile plastered on my face.

‘Guess it’s time.’ I muttered to myself...

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