Mischievous Serendipity

The shack outside of Shadycreek Run held silent in the night light. Small bars cage me in. I peer across the room to see giant guards playing a game of cards on a tall table. I can just barely see the cards of the guard facing away from me. I’m so damn bored. I shouldn’t have gotten caught by these bandits in the first place. I sigh thinking back to my mischievous pranks on the traveling merchants that likely led to this. Perhaps I could try tricking them into thinking I escaped. As I begin to focus my magic and close my eyes I feel no sensation through my body. There must be something with this cage or room that's interfering with my fey magic. I’ll just have to wait till they send someone I guess.

I hear a clamoring of sound as bearded creatures seem to meld out of the stone floor. I see so they sent them. Never mind I’d rather stay trapped here. These particular Korreds I know quite well and they love to get carried away and drink alcohol. As they get into a brawl with the two guards it does not take much time before they overpower them with their spells and instead of looking for me go and plunder the booze. I’m honestly not very surprised. It will likely be a while before I get any help from them. I met as well and took a nap. After a long stretch I fold my wings over me to give a nice blanket and settle down

I stir up to the sound of fire as I see a battle taking place between the Korreds and a new group. As I startle to wake I’m still stuck in the cage, before I can yell for help something else catches my eye. A young elf appears, presumably using invisibility magic and unlocks the cage for me. I stare into his dreamy eyes as a small mouse peaks out from his pocket staring at me. He helps me out of the cage and ensures me that everything will be alright. His eyes are a twinkling star in the shabby shack and his hair a soft glimmering bed to lay on. I guess this pixie napping wasn’t the worst thing after all.

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