
Clara looked around. It was a puzzle. The game was a puzzle. It was in the middle of a clearing that was in the middle of a forest. A voice came overhead.

“You must find the missing pieces. They are hidden. You have one hour to complete the puzzle. Good luck!”

Clara ran off. She hated puzzles. But if she wanted to live, she needed to complete it.

A soft “ding” sounded from the left. Clara looked over. A puzzle piece was just a few yards ahead, behind a thorny bramble bush. She pushed through, cutting her arms and hands. Picking up the piece, she noticed that it was solid black. There was another solid black piece to the left. “What a strange puzzle,” she thought.

Clara climbed back through the bush and hiked to the clearing. She laid the puzzle pieces in the outline of the puzzle, then ran off to find more.

Though she had looked far and wide, she had only been able to find 34 pieces. There was one more that needed finding. Time was running out, Clara knew, and she wouldn’t be able to finish the puzzle.

“Stupid children’s games,” she muttered aloud as she trekked up a hill.

“Oh, yes. Stupid they may seem, yet they are the key to survival,” said the voice. “Five, four, three, two... One! Your time is up. Better run!”

Clara heard a drilling noise. She ran. She ran so hard that she thought she might die. She had made it to game #64, but now she would make it to death.

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