The Forbidden Bond

There was never any consistency in Melanie’s life, so she always struggled with letting people in. During her sophomore year of high school, she became really close with her English teacher. They hung out everyday before the bell rang, during lunch, and before final dismissal at the end of the day. Melanie looked at her English teacher as another mom. She confided in her, told her all of her secrets and got the advice she needed but couldn’t receive from her actual mother. Their bond grew stronger everyday for two years until one day, the coronavirus struck the nation. Schools began to close due to the pandemic along with other businesses. Because the closure was so sudden, Melanie never got to say goodbye to her English teacher, her close friend. Nine months flew by and still no form of communication has been exchanged between them. Melanie has no idea where they stand. She has no idea if her English teacher feels the same way she does: depressed and longing for her. Melanie has absolutely no assumption of when they will be able to meet again, make up for lost time, and finally enjoy each other’s presence again.

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