The Retired Playboy

The main character Joseph “Joe” Murdock was always a charismatic outgoing ladies man. In his earlier years he’s dated many beautiful women and all of them flawless gems. He has had 1 accidental pregnancy from one of his ladies but that never slowed him down. His baby mama Joi named her son Joseph after his father he was greatful but he still wanted nothing to do with the mother anymore the sexual flames had died out between the two of them.

He continues to be a good father to Joseph but keeps dating beautiful women in his travels.

Over the years his son noticed his father would visit less and less it’s down to twice a year, his birthday and Xmas. Joseph didn’t mind at least he had a father to talk to over the cellphone anytime he wants. Joe taught Joseph everything he knows about women but to be honest kids a natural you know what they say like father like son; only difference is Joseph didn’t date around he is now 17 years of age and dating his high school sweetheart aged 19 years and both graduating this year.

He had told his father that he was set to enlist in the army right after graduation as soon as he turns 18 years. Joseph gets a sunrise out of his father and the day was set he will be headed to the warfront.

The day came and went and Joe wasn’t available to see him off but told him good luck over the phone, Joe was in another state with his girlfriend. They have been seeing each other for 9 months now it’s the longest relationship dated.

He got a call from Joi crying very terrible tears. Joe is giving a speech at the funeral and stated “I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all of them very valuable to me. Im sorry I wasn’t there for you son but I will be the best grandfather to your son and I’m through womanizing. It cut deep to loose you I won’t loose you again I’m sorry it took you’re death to make an honest man out of me but you my boy are an Angel you have saved my life amoungs many others we will never know about… goodbye Son I’m proud of you”

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