Describe a world that has no nights.

Consider how this may affect human physiology and behaviour.

A Typical Office Job

As the sun radiates through the windows, my eyelids get heavy and I can feel a headache forming at the top of my head. Great, I think, as I force my eyes to stay open, trained on the task in front of me. Click, clack, click, I type away. “Next!” I call and wave the next person in line over, “AM or PM shift request?” I ask. “Uh, well, I’d like PM please.” Those words are enough to shake me from the haze, “what?” I ask. “Yeah, I want the night shift.” He chuckles, “well, the PM shift that is.” I wipe the shock from my face, “ok, that’ll be a $2 raise and qualify you for early retirement, but no medical or dark sleeping accommodations.” He nods and takes the forms from my hands. As he shuffles away, I stare at his back, “doesn’t he know, it may be just as bright at night but our internal clocks don’t care, it needs to sleep sometime…” I mutter to myself. I shake my head, yawn, “next!”

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