
“Hey! I thought you were working today?” The stranger asks Sandie, she blinks dumbly at the girl, was she supposed to know this person? She swallows her anxiety and decides to clarify the situation.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?”

The stranger looks taken back, as if confused by her question. “Uh yeah, we’ve been friends since the third grade, did you hit your head or something?”

Sandie shakes her head. “You have me confused with someone else. I don’t know who you are.”

“How…?” the strangers sentence trails off as the girls brown eyes bore into her own. Realization falls like a wave across her face. “..oh jeez, I’m sorry, you look exactly like my friend.”

“No worries.” Sandie laughs nervously before they depart and provide an awkward wave, the stranger does a double take, eyebrows knotted in puzzlement. They continue down the street and out of Sandie’s sight. Sandie found it weird but not enough to ruin her day.

Until it happened again, and again.

Everyday, sometimes three to four times she is recognized as someone else, only for the stranger to apologize for the misidentification. In all her twenty years of life, this has never happened before, but for the past month it is happening more and more.

Sandie slams into someone on the street, too distracted by her thoughts to pay attention, bumping right into their broad chest. She mutters an apology and begins to step around, only to find their large hands enclose around her arms. Squeezing them painfully in an iron grip.

“Boss said it was going to be difficult finding you, rather easy I’d say.” The man’s voice is rough as if he gurgled with nails each morning. He had a faint scar on his right eye and his blond hair is slicked back with tremendous amounts of gel.

Rage and victory displayed on his face as he held Sandie close and started to lead her down an alley where a van waited.

She bucked and kicked, Sandie was being kidnapped.


She tried to scream for help but the man’s hand clamped over her lips, muffling any sound.

“Stop squirming Maddie, you had to know he was going to come after you. After everything you stole from him.”

Maddie? Who the hell was Maddie?! What did she steal?! Is this the girl that Sandie has be mistaken for?

Sandie is thrown in the back of the van, the moment she is inside, another person is waiting and covers her mouth once again with a cloth. The smell of bitter almonds fills her nose and darkness floods in.

Sandie wakes confined to a cheep plastic chair, blinking past her blurred vision; she meets eyes of the men that kidnapped her.

“Where are the diamonds, Maddie?” One of them hisses. “Just tell us where they are and you can go free.”

Disorientation messes with her comprehension, she seen enough movies to know that line was bull. Sandie shakes her head to clear the fog. “What are you talking about?”

A sharp slap slams across her cheek, fully waking her up. “Don’t play dumb,” the man spits “,diamonds, where are they?”

“I don’t know anything about your damn diamonds!” Sandie bellows “How many times do I have to tell you people, I’m not this Maddie chick!” She tugs on her restrains and causes the ropes to dig and pinch.

“I have eyes girlie,” one man says, reaching into his pocket, he pulls a knife and frees the blade, pressing the cold steal against Sandie’s cheek. “,I know that face anywhere, now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, it’s up to you.”

Desperation grew in her voice. “Please you have the wrong girl!” The man clicks his tongue and the point of the blade sinks through her flesh, she cries out until a sharp whistle slices through the air.

The men turn and Sandie follows their gaze. A woman holds up a bag and wiggles it.

“Looking for these gentleman.” The woman speaks, the men do a double take; at Sandie then at the girl.

The stranger smiles sinisterly at their face of recognization. Sandie’s heart beats with panic and her own face develops into the same form of acknowledgment. The girl provides her own weapon and aims it at the goons.

“Time to play boys.”

Sandie stares in bewilderment at the person she has been mistaken for, the girl who knew how to use a gun; her badass twin.

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