The afterlife isn't quite what you imagined it would be...
The World Of The Afterlife
“What do you think the word ‘afterlife’ means to you?”
“You have to know and believe the lord, or else you are going to hell.”
“Hey are you even listening?”
I snapped out of my day dream and looked over to my friend, who was now staring at me. He was a little concerned, I could tell by the look in his eyes. I didn’t want to leave him unanswered to I nod, “Hm..Oh yeah I am.”
He stares at me closely and sighs, “You need to stop getting your head to reality not in the clouds.”
“What do you mean, I was list-“
My friend cut me off, “Don’t pull that shit on me, I know you well enough that you were thinking about something else.”
I wanted to deny it, but I only look down at my hands. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, but I couldn’t listen to that touchy subject. It’s always that question over and over again, it’s just putting more pressure on me. Whether I’m Jewish or I’m Christian it don’t matter, they always talk about heaven and hell like it’s the only thing to talk about. Yes, there’s more to talk about like work and the weather but it’s always those topics of religion.
Heaven? Hell? Who cares, your still going to one place. God? Satan? Your still overruled by someone. It’s just something that doesn’t even sound interesting anymore, it’s always a family subject as well. Family? Yourself? They both choose their own path, they could lead into separate places if your not careful. Friends? Soulmate? If you choose one side, the other will get mad and break off from you. Bible? Alcohol? They are a way to relieve stress, but they both seem like a waste of time. Why do I have to choose between Heaven or Hell, I’m just going to get hated on either way.
I look up at my friend. He still has his eyes on me, with the same look of concern. I gave him a little smile, “What about we try a different subject…?”
- - -
It’s been a month since that conversation, it still ponders every now and then in my mind. I try to avoid every conversation about it as I can, but I always seem to run into it. It’s like this is the new trend everyone is talking about. Now, it’s making me feel sick to my stomach. I hate this feeling so much, I just want it to just wash away. I was driving on the interstate, listening good to some music in my car. I was not paying attention when suddenly I saw a semi getting close to me. I was panicking and swerved to the other lane, without thinking a crashed into another car.
Everything went black.
I couldn’t see no one or anything.
No light.
No voices.
Is this what the afterlife really was…?
Just a black emptiness.
Is this what the afterlife is like..?
Sorry it was a little hurried.