You move into a flat with very thin walls, and can hear the people upstairs plotting something exciting.
Describe how you feel and what you do with the information.
A Good Story
“No you don’t get it, it will literally happen tomorrow!!”
I stop slurping my tooth rotting sweet tea.
“Yes tomorrow! It’s the only time we can get in there unnoticed.”
I know it’s not polite to eavesdrop but is it really eavesdropping if I’m in my own apartment?
It’s not my fault the walls are so damn thin.
“… Are you sure about this?”
The deeper voice sounds uncertain. They’re right above my living room. I could go to the kitchen but…
“Are you chickening out?!” The other voice is enraged. Definitely not happy then.
“We’ve been planning this FOR MONTHS!!”
Yep. Not happy at all.
“I don’t know, it’s just… we could get into a or of trouble if the shit hits the fan at a bad angle.”
My tea is slowly getting cold. And the book is still sitting in my lap. I ignore them in favour of readying my head on the wall behind me. This couch was definitely worth the money.
“Look I’m going. You can either come with me
or sit here and hide like a spineless chicken.”
Well isn’t that a defensive reaction.
There’s a pause. Subconsciously I start drumming my fingers across the white porcelain of the cup.
Come on now.
You can’t leave them hanging can you?
A breath I wasn’t aware I was holding escapes me.
Int he distance there is a sound of shuffling shoes and the thud of a door.
I take a sip of my tea.
Not thin walls indeed landlord huh.
I look down on the book below me and try to dive back into the story. My mind is running loose though, the conversations playing like a broken record in my head.
Get where unnoticed ?
What needed to be planned for months ahead?
Maybe I should go for a walk….