The person your character loves the most confesses to doing something terrible that could destroy multiple lives.
What do they do?
Her Planned Carnage
I always hated school the people suck It’s everyone out for themselves here One wrong step one miss spoke and your social life is in tatters. The teachers don’t care and why would they care outside of their favorite students everyone else is noise to them, annoyance they say out of the earshot of the students.
The only ray of light for me has been Emily a quiet brown hair girl that keeps to her self most of the time but does her best working with others on assignments and we met because of that. However she has been absent from school for a week due to us running into the mean girls Sarah and her crew. They broke into Emily‘s locker and stole and broke a heirloom of her mother she was devastated at that I did my best to keep them away from her shoving them away hard every chance I got but after the incident was over the teachers obviously didn’t care about such a small thing and left it at that.
The big prom was tomorrow night I supposed asking her out is out of the question at this point I thought as took deep breath as I enter the room to my last class today.
But she was there I tried to speak to her but she waved me off and had no choice but sit in my seat in the next hour and 30 minutes learning algebra when the day was over I tried again and she waved me off again but I would not let it go this time.
I told her how worried I was and if it was possible to fix the heirloom she looked at me smiling but it was a cold smile as she said come with me if you want to know something naturally I followed her I thought I will do anything for her she took me to a place behind the school away from prying eyes and told me this “can you keep a secret?”
“Sure” I said
She then told me a plan that that will make them regret ever meeting her not only the mean girls but teachers and other students I didn’t figure her to be the type to go for revenge but here was we are What’s more is that the plan is already in motion in all we need to do to see it is to go to the prom.
I agreed because it was the girl I liked that asked me.
Long Story short it was a beautiful cluster fuck betrayal, jealousy, theft, fighting, and somehow grand larceny it had it it all.
And we looked on at the carnage together.