Write a poem about choosing between following your heart or following your head.
red-lipped kisses
it came to a stop
the beating of my heart
the fear took control
i told you i was scared
so i push you out
i sabotage
my only shot at real love
and now you’re wounded
because my mind wouldn’t stop screaming
and you were frail so i stopped the attack
and i stitched you up
with a hundred red lipped kisses
and i cried too
my heart only wants you
but sometimes i think it’s too much
i think you’d be better off without me
monsters under my bed said you’d never love me
but they were only shadows
and when daylight came, you were still there
but then i kept fist fighting with my heart
turning it on and then right back off
in my head i wanted you to be the villain
but you’re just a saint
and i spilled blood when no one told me to
tore it all up even though i loved you
it wasn’t your fault but you atoned
but i just closed the door and bolted it tight
while you were begging for me to let in the light
and i lit it all up thinking you would just leave
i was tied down and it should’ve been by you
instead all i did was accuse
“he said, she said” but what about you?
burned you out trying to make myself bulletproof
and now we’re both scarred because of me
but i don’t really want to fight this
i keep expecting betrayal but all you want is
my red-lipped kisses