Take My Hand Chapter 7

“I can’t believe it’s been seven years since it all happened”. Sebastian said as he was walking with Skye

“ yeah, it was hard to believe that Sergeant Taylor betrayed us and the army,” Skye said as he carefully walked down a steep incline.

“Careful with the tree roots Sebastian.”

“ at last we found important information about the- oh sh*t.” Sebastian didn’t finish his sentence as he almost tripped down the incline flailing his hand as he caught Skye’s shoulder and steadied himself

“I told you about the roots, are you ok?.” Skye said as he tried stifling a laugh

“Of course almost died there for a second yeah, no, just twisted my ankle. But I’m fine though. Sebastian said. As they continued walking

Skye looked at the beautiful scenery around them to the left of the dirt path was an overgrown ravine with a couple of fallen trees to the right you could see straight back into the forest dry leaves covered the ground and the trees were ablaze with gold-yellow, fiery red and bright orange

“ fall is so pretty this time of year,” Skye said admiringly

“Hey, there’s a creek up ahead let’s go check it out,” Sebastian said as they walked to the creek the water glistened in the sun as the wind blew leaves into the creek it was a perfect time Sebastian thought as he looked over and saw Skye enjoying the weather Sebastian slyly felt his pocket and felt the square box as he said now or never to himself

“Hey, Skye?.” Sebastian said then skye turned to face him “Yes?.” Skye said

Sebastian got down on one knee, pulled out the black box and opened it

“Will you marry me?.” Sebastian said as he looked at skye

“Yes!.” Skye said blushing slightly, as he smiled

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