Submitted by Caralia
Write a story about someone who is famous, but their fame resulted from a tragic event.
The story could be about a day in their famous life, or could centre on how they feel about the tragic event that led to it.
I can hear my breathing, heavy and panicked. I don’t know where I am. I try to open my eyes but it’s dark. I’m blindfolded.
The material is thick and scratchy on my face. A piece of cotton is making my mouth dry. It’s hard to breathe.
Tingling shoots down my legs as my body starts to come to. I try to move but I can’t. I’m restrained.
I start to panic, my chest is tight as I hyperventilate and choke on the gag.
Where am I?
What happened?
Where is my family?
I wiggle my fingers, trying to free myself with no luck. I am not thinking clearly. I am so afraid.
I hear footsteps. Someone is here and I have a feeling they are not here to help me.
“Ah, you’re awake,” a deep masculine voice sounds behind me. I know that voice, I would know that voice anywhere.
Ty Lile, a serial killer that had been running rampant in Spokane is standing behind me.
He has my family… or he killed them.
The blindfold lifts from my eyes and I jump. Coming back to reality I realize that I am sitting in a makeup chair, a soft brush gently spreading blush on my cheek.
I’m okay, I tell myself, I’m okay.
Just preparing for another interview with yet another news outlet about the serial killer who spared me 10 years ago.
Why I was spared but my husband and sister were not, I don’t have the answer to.
But, the news and true crime podcasts eat that shit up. And the fame that comes with being the “spared victim” is very lucrative.
I’d be a good not to capitalize on that.
I take a deep breath, pushing the horrid memories down deeper.
It’s showtime.