Love And Respect


For three years I’ve been wishing things would change.

I miss our picnics and our laughs. I’ve missed having someone I can talk to and trust. Your my only friend An. I need you, please come home.



I miss it too. Everything. And I want to come home, but Mom moved me out here for a change. A chance at a new life, I need to take it. I’m sorry. But I’m not coming home, because there is no home. Not anymore.

I’m sorry Jer, I’m so sorry.



Home is here. With me, with everyone you left behind. If you want a second chance at life then take it. But next time, don’t leave without saying goodbye. And don’t make excuses when you don’t have any.

Because I know you, and you never make excuses unless you want to believe something you know isn’t true. You make bad things seem perfect and perfect things seem bad. Don’t do it to your home to me.



What do you want from me? Just say it, Jer! Because I know you and your mad. At me, what have I done? I’m sorry I left okay, but sometimes things don’t last. Even the strongest friendships.



If you had stayed, I’d you hadn’t run away. Then maybe you’d understand things. Maybe you’d understand that I’m not hurting because I lost my friend. I’m hurting because I lost my soulmate. But I can tell it’s different for you, maybe we’re supposed to be like this messed up, and torn apart. We’re different people form different worlds. But I want to be part of yours, no matter how long it takes.



We’re two different people from two different worlds. There’s no wood to build a bridge or boat to cross the water. And it’s just the way it is. I can’t try to be part of another world that isn’t mine, neither can you.

So maybe we should just stop. Right now.

I’m sorry, but this is my chocie and I’m not letting you cloud my vision.



I loved you. I don’t know how for why I just did. And our friendship that’s not something you can take away or change, it only comes out of love and respect.

You have friends so you don’t have to do the terrible parts alone. And I’m sorry that you needed a second chance at life, but maybe if you had looked both ways before crossing the street you wouldn’t have gotten hit. You wouldn’t need a second chance, you wouldn’t have lost me.

Because you have, I’m not part of your second life, only your first.

So at least I’m saying goodbye.


Anna ever wrote back. Neither did Jeremy. They just kept living life. And eventually their paths crossed, but they never became best friends again. They talked but never laughed, cried but never smiled. And Anna knew it was her fault. Jeremy thought it was his. So they both kept living, moving father away. But one day their paths will cross again, because something as strong as the love they both secretly had for another isn’t something you can replace. Like Jeremy said you can’t take it or change it, it only comes out of love and respect.

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