Empty Flame

I was the empty one, floating through days with no real drive, no burning desire. _You_ were the opposite, eyes wide and full of dreams that could fill the universe.

You wanted everything—_love, adventure, success, the whole damn world. _I couldn't understand how someone could burn so brightly, while I felt like a shadow. You looked at me like you could pull me into your orbit, like you could fill my emptiness with all the things you craved.

We were a contradiction, you and I. Your passion was overwhelming, sometimes suffocating. It made me feel even more lost, like your light only highlighted my darkness. _You never stopped reaching_, and I never started.

I watched you chase everything, while I stayed still. I admired your fire, but it scared me too. _How could you need so much_, when I needed so little? You’d talk about your dreams with stars in your eyes, and I’d nod, pretending to get it.

In the quiet moments, when you’d rest your head on my shoulder, I wondered if I was enough. If my nothingness could ever be something in your world of everything.

You made me feel like I was missing out, like there was a whole universe I was too afraid to touch. And maybe that was true. Maybe I was scared. Maybe I was too used to my own emptiness to see the value in wanting.

But in those fleeting moments, when you’d smile at me like I was all you needed, I almost believed it. _Almost_.

You chased the stars, and I watched you go, knowing I could never keep up. I wanted to tell you to slow down, to stay with me in the quiet, but I knew you couldn’t. You were a storm, and I was just a calm sea, and storms can’t live in stillness.

So, a person who wants nothing meets a person who wants everything. And in the end, they’re both left wanting.

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