
Write a poem about an awakening - it could be literal or metaphorical.

Every Thing Has Beauty

How could you say that death has beauty?

How could you tell me death has a duty?

When it's about to steal you away from me!

The fear I feel as I watch you slip away

Knows no bounds, as I sit there every day

In dismay, trying to delay

The pending future, that my eyes portray

Yet my thoughts betray

My feeble mind

And am confined

Within rage that binds

my common sense, which has died

And as I sit there watching your life and death intertwine

In a fate already predefined

I can't help but feel deprived!

It's hard to accept that life is so unkind,

Yet when I look at you, you tell me your time has arrived

And that one day I'll understand,

That death is just like life,

Two ends of the same string

As I take a trip down memory land

I remembered the stories we used to share,

The laughter, the tears, and the love we shared

I also remembered the lessons you taught,

The strength and wisdom that you brought.

he told me without death, life would be everlasting

that is what makes life so dazzling and enchanting

It is the thought of death that makes life so meaningful

and as I watched him fade away

the meaning of his words finally hit me like a ray

a ray of sunshine full of insight

so bright, with light

like the alluring night

and as I sat there, ready to say goodbye

I knew I had to comply,

with the rules of life, and except

that he was content

100 percent :)

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