Too Small

No one else knew Ally was a good black and white tegu but her mom and dad.

As she was walking down in the sand she noticed that there was something in the distance but because she was a good black and white tegu she ran home and told her mom and dad everything she saw.

The next day on her walk this time it was not there. Her parents had thought that it was just wind tricking her eye.

When she went home her parents were not there and they had left a note saying, “ Me and your father have decided that you have to live on your own -mom and dad”

Ally got really upset when she read the note because she was not sure if she was ready to live on her own. But she soon realized that she was now a woman not a girl.

So she had decided that she was going to marry a man that loved her very much. When walking down in the sand she saw a really nice man who had a crush on her a she did to.

But neither of them told each other. The days were over and on the 7th day of being a woman she was ready to tell him.

On the same day she learned that his name was Moose. She asked him if he liked her and the only word that had come out of his mouth was, “ Yes.”

They had decided to become girlfriend and boyfriend the next day.

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