Submitted by Sofía .

The door creaked open, revealing a long-forgotten room...

The Living Daughter

The door cracked open, revealing a long forgotten room. Lilly gasped as she looked at her late brother’s room, still just as messy as when he was alive.

Michael had been 14 years older than Lilly, and today he has been gone 14 years. His once tiny sister now a woman at 18 years old with her blonde hair always braided down her back.

“Hi, Michael. I miss you. Mom is terrified of me leaving for college in a few weeks. How is it that a ghost I don’t even remember has so much control over my life? You messed up. You initiated a fight with a bigger guy. Yet here I am, boxed into this stupid house,” Lilly whispers as she looks at a senior picture of her brother. He has that mischievous grin on his face, and his green eyes sparkle with glee at his plan. He has a plan to get out of Holly Hill, South Carolina. He has a plan to change the world. A plan that was shattered in mere seconds all those years ago. Neither Lilly nor their mother talk about Michael much. His name turned into a hush shared by the walls. His face only known by pictures scattered around the house. His memory locked in his mother’s mind, where they can never be harmed again.

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