Mia O Mya

I just started thinking about the possibilities you and I hold. We’ve been best friends since I was a mere teenager. I tease and poke and mess with you, but you put up with me. In more cases than many, when we first met, you were more mature. I was the goofball and you tried your hardest to set me straight. Eventually it planned out. I’m mature now when needing to be, but I’m the same goofball you’ve known since the beginning when I’m talking to you. We act like bickering siblings at times, but others, we are best friends. I still remember the message you sent me that formed the hill our friendship was born on. You sent it, thinking it was meaningless, but once I read it, I wanted to make sure you and I kept in touch. When you were sad, I joked around with you until you gave me a smile and a smart remark in response. You’re younger than me, but have witty comebacks that I can’t get enough of. You must admit that even though I tease and can be mean, I’m sweet and lovable around you. I let my true colors fly with you and don’t hold anything back. A long time ago, I gave you my trust and I knew you wouldn’t break it. I made a smart move that day. I also made a genius move when I called you my best friend. You’ve been through a lot, as have I, but we’ve been sticking our heads out and helping each other with the pain. I remember when I used to check up on you and make sure you were eating enough every day. I hope you still are. I know you struggled with an eating disorder and I wish for you to never suffer with that again. As for when you’re sad, come to me and I’ll lend a hand. I’ve got a shoulder to cry on for you, ready and prepped. You already know I got joke after joke lined up to make you smile. I will put my best effort into making you happy, for it makes me smile when you’re the happy bubbly Mya I know. You’re a very skilled individual and I know you’re gonna see the eyes of success in the future. I just hope I’ll be there to hoist you up onto the success panel. We have so much in common and we can relate to each other a lot. We are both short and gay. I’m not complaining because I’m not the only one. No matter what you look like, your body shape, hairstyle, glasses or contacts, I’m still gonna love you the same. You’re still the Mya I met a long time ago and I’m not about to let you go. Sorry to say it, but you’re stuck here with me. I’ll tease, poke, and squeeze you until you get enough of me. Even then, I’ll still be here waiting for you.

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